
Latest News

Property Management Team Update

Posted on Wednesday, 14 September 2016
by Rebecca Day in Latest News

We are continuing to grow our business thanks to the amazing referrals and word of mouth from you, our landlords and tenants.  Joining our team is;

Alyssa Norman - Alyssa comes to us with high level tech skills and a great ability to communicate after leading a large team in a fast paced retail environment.  Alyssa joins us as a Property Manager and will take on a large portion of Penny's Portfolio so that Penny can focus on her new role as a dedicated team leader.  In this role Penny will manage our team and continue with ongoing, improved training programmes to ensure we are the best agency we can possibly be.  Alyssa is working closely with Penny and has already demonstrated great communication skills and an enthusiastic, common sense approach to all facets of the role of Property Manager which are so well needed.  We look forward to Alyssa becoming a long standing member of our team and look forward to having Penny in her new role.

Natalie Dixon - Well what a little superstar.  Natalie has joined us in a new admin support role to assist our busy team in all things admin (water billing and follow up, lease extension documentation, smoke alarm servicing and everything else property management).  Nat has already proved herself a really valuable additition to our team and will fill the hole in October & some of November when Sarah Gentel our Admin Guru takes extended leave to get married.  (Congratulations Sarah!!).

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