
Latest News

2016 Christmas Food Drive

Posted on Thursday, 17 November 2016
by Rebecca Day in Latest News
Proudly supporting Oz Harvest

It is that time of the year again!

Last year we ran a very successful food collection (thank you to your generous donations) which provided Christmas Hampers to 30-40 families.  So this year we have teamed up with Oz Harvest again for our Christmas Food Drive.  We are collecting non-perishable goods to provide food hampers to domestic violence services, small schools that are not well funded and the less fortunate this Christmas.

Suggested items for collection include:

- Pasta, rice, whole grain cereal

- Canned fruit & vegetables (ring pull)

- Long life milk products & juice products

- Soup & stock

- Biscuits (sweet & savoury)

- Dried fruits

- Tea/coffee

- Breakfast cereals

- Jam, honey & vegemite (not in glass)


The collection point is our Moana office - 1/1 Griffiths Drive, Moana

Collection of items will cease on Friday 16th December 2016.

Any queries, please feel free to contact Sarah Curtis at the office on 8386 1555.

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