Latest News
2016 Christmas Food Drive
by Rebecca Day in Latest News
Proudly supporting Oz Harvest
It is that time of the year again!
Last year we ran a very successful food collection (thank you to your generous donations) which provided Christmas Hampers to 30-40 families. So this year we have teamed up with Oz Harvest again for our Christmas Food Drive. We are collecting non-perishable goods to provide food hampers to domestic violence services, small schools that are not well funded and the less fortunate this Christmas.
Suggested items for collection include:
- Pasta, rice, whole grain cereal
- Canned fruit & vegetables (ring pull)
- Long life milk products & juice products
- Soup & stock
- Biscuits (sweet & savoury)
- Dried fruits
- Tea/coffee
- Breakfast cereals
- Jam, honey & vegemite (not in glass)
The collection point is our Moana office - 1/1 Griffiths Drive, Moana
Collection of items will cease on Friday 16th December 2016.
Any queries, please feel free to contact Sarah Curtis at the office on 8386 1555.