
Latest News

Changes to advertising from 1st July

Posted on Monday, 29 May 2017
by Rebecca Day in Latest News increase pricing; change advertising packages

New advertising packages and pricing structure for marketing vacancies on will take effect on 1st July.  Currently accounts for approx 74% of all our tenant inquiry* and is an integral part of the marketing process to attract the best possible tenants in the shortest possible time.

We are fortunate enough to have 2 x office locations which enables us to subscribe to 2 x packages - giving you choice in the best advertising option for your property in the current market.

Option 1.  $80 Feature property (appears above a 'standard' listing)

Option 2.  $155 Premiere property  (largest ad possible, is seen at the top of the search results, appears in other surrounding suburb searches)

The above costs reflect the ongoing monthly subscription fees and individual listing charges from 

We will continue to absorb the administration and associated fees of marketing vacancies on other web portals (Domain, On The House,, Southgate Property Management etc) as we believe it is important to encourage competition. 

As always we remain committed to trying to attract the best possible tenants in the shortest possible time and will continue to market properties first and foremost via our tenancy database (powered by 'inspect real estate').  This enables us to match prospective tenants with vacancies and notify them immediately via email and sms. 

* average query figures from Jan - May 2017



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