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Planning for Aged Care

Posted on Tuesday, 28 June 2016
by Rebecca Day in Latest News

Often I receive calls from people investigating the option of renting out their parents home when they are transitioning into aged care.  In every case, people are frustrated at the lack of information they can obtain on what is the best option and strategy for their parents.  Do they rent the home? Do they sell?  What are the financial ramifications of each option?  Recently I was chatting with Haagan van Dyke, a long time financial planner who after many years of assisting clients is now specialising in Aged Care Accommodation Strategy.  Haagan was Accredited by Aged Care Steps in 2014 to assist people possibly seeking entry into Aged Care.  Haagan offers an initial discussion of possibly twenty minutes duration at no fee to allow people to consider if the service could be of value to them.  

To see what Haagen has to offer, click here, or contact him on 0412 794 604 or email


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